Hey mechwarriors!
I finally got off my butt and published a bunch of my documents to my Website including Alpha Strike Special Pilot Ability cards, Alternate Ammo cards, the Cheatsheet, and the Alpha Strike Campaign guide, "Blood, Money, & Steel".
And if you're into RPGs, browse the Games links on the left side. SE:20 is my classless, skill-based d20 RPG that emulates the Action Hero style of fiction. The RPS System is designed for minimalist rules and uses the Rock-Paper-Scissors game to resolve conflicts and the character sheet fits on a baseball card. Immortal Wars is a tabletop strategy game where gods, monsters, and machines battle for dominance.
And if you're into fiction, check out the Fiction link at the top. I've got some of my creative writing up there including fantasy spoof-spam that will amuse those of you that are broken like me...