The Unusual Suspects
SE:20 SRD Updated!
Today we've released the latest versions of all three Source Reference Documents. Get the latest versions from
The biggest change is the Nonhuman SRD, which has been completely reorganized and new abilities added. All three feature new covers to keep them consistent with the No Man's Land cover art.
Flight of the Medusa
Our latest Adventure Starter, Flight of the Medusa, is now available from DriveThruRPG! And it's free!
Prescidia, a pregnant gorgon, was pursued into our dimension by a fanatical hunter, Morgan Moritarti. An open portal is reeking havock on the electrical grid and multiple agencies are searching for the cause. And there is a hunger devouring the innocent victims of the city.
A Wolf Among Us
Our latest release is an SE:20 Adventure Starter, A Wolf Among Us!
A Fenrir Wolf is transported to our dimension by mad scientists. Unleashed and vengeful, the wolf begins attacking people in New York City.
Get it free from DriveThruRPG!
Buy it now! No Man's Land is available in time for the holidays!
Today, we approved the final print on Sundered Epoch: No Man's Land and you can now buy the gorgeous book from in full color hardback and softback formats. If you got in on the beta, you can download the latest version of the PDF for free from DriveThruRPG.
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